Category: FWTFL

16:8 Intermittent Fasting:  results from real clients

Intermittent fasting has become a diet buzz word in recent years – and for good reason. This eating schedule not only promotes weight loss but also offers health benefits, including improved metabolic health, better control over food cravings, and enhanced mental clarity. But as with most diet and nutrition approaches, there is more than one way to do it.  Keep scrolling down to learn about the different types of intermittent fasting, the specific methods used by my clients, and the AMAZING results they’ve achieved. 

What is Intermittent Fasting?

I like to think of Intermittent fasting (IF) as an eating schedule.  It is an approach to eating that alternates between periods of eating and fasting. Unlike traditional diets that focus on what to eat, IF emphasizes when you eat. This eating window can vary based on the chosen intermittent fasting plan. The 16/8 method is one of the most popular types of intermittent fasting, where you fast for 16 hours and limit your food intake to an 8-hour window every day.  

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

  • Weight Loss: One of the primary goals of IF is weight loss through calorie restriction. By limiting the time window for eating, you naturally consume fewer calories, which leads to fat loss and improved body composition.
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Sugar Levels: Fasting periods can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Enhanced Metabolic Health: Switching between fed and fasted states can activate a metabolic switch in your body, promoting better metabolic health and efficient fat burning.
  • Reduced Inflammation: IF has been shown to lower chronic inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health conditions.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Many people report better mental clarity and focus during fasting periods, which may be linked to stabilized blood glucose levels and reduced calorie intake.

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

Success Stories from Real Clients

1. The Busy Businessman

My 53-year-old male client, a husband and father of two, lives on the road for most of the year. Despite his hectic schedule, he found his groove with the 16/8 intermittent fasting method. By dedicating 30 minutes daily to workouts and focusing on lean proteins and healthy fats, he has lost 30 pounds. The best part? His energy levels and stamina have skyrocketed, making those business trips less exhausting. He enjoys black coffee and electrolyte water during his fasting period, helping him maintain focus and mental clarity throughout the day.

2. The Stay-at-Home Mom

Another client of mine, a 38-year-old stay-at-home mom experienced incredible changes by incorporating intermittent fasting schedule into her routine. Over three months, she lost 10 pounds and 18 inches, significantly improving her body composition. More importantly, her strength and energy levels have soared. She now lifts heavier weights and feels more in control of her food cravings and eating habits, plus we’ve also increased  her macros (and calories) to fuel her new exercise routine.  Her secret? She sticks to whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins during her 8-hour eating window, ensuring she gets the nutrients she needs for sustained energy.

How to Get Started with Intermittent Fasting

1. Choose Your Intermittent Fasting Plan

There are different types of intermittent fasting to suit various lifestyles and goals. Learn which type is right for you.  

2. Plan Your Eating Window

Decide on an 8-hour eating window that works best for you. For instance, if you prefer to have dinner with your family, you might choose an eating schedule from 12 PM to 8 PM. This will allow you to enjoy meals with loved ones without feeling restricted.

3. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods

During your eating periods, prioritize lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. Avoid junk food and sugary snacks, as they can spike your blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water, black coffee, green tea, and unsweetened tea during your fasting periods. These beverages can help curb hunger and keep you hydrated.

5. Listen to Your Body

Intermittent fasting is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust your eating window and food intake as needed. If you experience any adverse side effects such as headaches, , consult a nutrition expert or healthcare provider.

6. Combine with Physical Activity

Incorporate physical activity, such as strength training or cardio workouts, into your routine. Exercise can enhance the benefits of intermittent fasting, promoting fat loss and improving overall health.  Our FASTer Way workouts are 30 minutes and done.  One of my favorite parts of the program.  

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

What if I can’t fast?

Here’s the thing. Intermittent fasting can be modified to meet your needs. For example, if you are pregnant or have a condition where a longer fast isn’t appropriate, we scale back as needed. I find that most clients find success with at least a 12:12 fast. But if you have questions, just ask!

Overall, intermittent fasting can be a game-changer for those looking to lose weight, improve their metabolic health, and achieve a better body composition. The success stories of my clients highlight the practical benefits and positive effects this diet plan can have on different aspects of life, from energy levels to mental clarity.

Ready to see similar results? Start your intermittent fasting routine today and feel the difference. For personalized guidance and a tailored intermittent fasting protocol, reach out to me. Let’s make your health and wellness goals a reality!

Join the Community:

Follow me social media for more tips, success stories, and updates on intermittent fasting.

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

True or False:  Going to bed hungry is good for weight loss

My husband casually told me one day that the key to weight loss is just eating less, and going to bed hungry.  And as a dietitian… I thought to myself…there is nothing that could be more wrong.  

The Case for Going to Bed Hungry

Reduced Caloric Intake

One of the primary arguments for going to bed hungry is that it can help reduce your total caloric intake. Consuming fewer calories than you burn is a fundamental aspect of weight loss. By skipping a late-night snack or a big meal before bed, you’re more likely to create a calorie deficit that can lead to weight loss. That said, there’s no guarantee that you won’t up your food intake the next date to make up for it.  

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Fasting overnight can lead to better insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for weight management. Improved insulin response helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of insulin resistance, a condition that can lead to weight gain and other health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

Keep in min that practicing a fasting schedule and going to bed hungry are two very different things.  

Fat Burning

Going to bed on an empty stomach may prompt your body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to fat loss. This is similar to the principles of intermittent fasting, which involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting to promote weight loss and improve overall health.

Losing weight does not have to be a painful struggle. It takes work, but you don’t have to be miserable doing it.

Melanie Marcus MA RD

The Case Against Going to Bed Hungry

Poor Sleep Quality

Going to bed hungry can lead to poor sleep quality, which is associated with weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Lack of sleep can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm, leading to sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea. Sleep deprivation affects appetite hormones, increasing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreasing levels of leptin, the hormone responsible for feelings of fullness. The solution may be a 200 calorie bedtime snack, a combo of protein and carbohydrate to take the edge off.  There’s nothing worse than not getting enough sleep!

Increased Cravings

We’ve all been there. Standing in front of the pantry, looking for something to eat. Instead of choosing nutritious food, we go for ice cream or potato chips, giving into our cravings. When your calorie intake is much lower than needed (like when you skip a meal), you can fall into a situation where your cravings get the best of you when it’s time to choose a meal. All too often junk food is more accessible and requires little to no cooking, making it an appealing option when we want to eat something – NOW.

Slowed Metabolism

Prolonged periods of hunger can slow down your metabolism, making weight loss more challenging in the long term. (Don’t worry, this doesn’t happen if you are intermittent fasting properly.) Your body may enter a state of “starvation mode,” conserving energy and burning fewer calories to protect against perceived famine conditions.

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

Practical Tips for Managing Hunger Before Bed

If you’re trying to lose weight but find yourself feeling hungry before bed, here are some practical tips to help you manage your hunger and still get a good night’s sleep:

Balanced Meals

Focus on consuming balanced and filling meals throughout the day to avoid extreme feelings of hunger before bed. Include lean meats, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables at each meal. If you want to dial it in, you can work with a dietitian to set your unique calorie and nutrient needs to meet your health goals. 

Protein and Fiber

Include protein and fiber in your evening meal to promote satiety and reduce the likelihood of feeling hungry later. Foods like lean meats, beans, and vegetables are excellent choices.

Healthy Snacks

Opt for a light, healthy snack if you’re genuinely hungry before bed. A small portion of nuts or Greek yogurt can satisfy your hunger without adding too many extra calories.

Stay Hydrated

Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Aim to drink a glass of water if you feel hunger pangs. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall health.

Lightened up Sleepy Girl Mocktail
Check out this recipe

Mindful Eating

Practice mindful eating to savor your meals and become more attuned to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. This can help manage nighttime hunger and prevent overeating.

Regular Sleep Schedule

Establish a regular sleep schedule and prioritize sleep quality to reduce the likelihood of cravings and overeating the next day. Quality sleep helps regulate appetite hormones and supports healthy weight management.

So overall, going to bed hungry may help reduce caloric intake and improve insulin sensitivity, it can also lead to poor sleep quality, increased cravings, and a slowed metabolism. The best way to achieve weight loss is through a combination of balanced meals, regular physical activity, and quality sleep. By managing your hunger before bed with healthy snacks and mindful eating, you can support your weight loss goals without compromising your sleep quality.

If you’re unsure about the best approach for your nutritional needs, consider checking out my program. We can chat through some strategies to meet your overall health goals. Here are a few other articles that may interest you:

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

Hands off air fryer pork tenderloin recipe

Aren’t most recipes made in the air fryer hands off?  That’s what I love so much about it. I was making this recipe last week when my husband walked in the house and commented how good it smelled.  Trust me, it is super delicious and packs a lot of flavor and uses simple ingredients without requiring a lot of attention which means you can focus on what else needs to get on the dinner table.  

It may just be the best way to make pork tenderloin.  

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Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Lean pork tenderloin – Trim the silver skin from the tenderloin if there is any.  This marinade would work equally well with boneless pork chops or bone-in chops.  Just note the nutrition will be slightly higher in fat.  
  • Apple cider vinegar – Adds a tangy flavor that helps tenderize the meat.
  • Mustard – Ground mustard, (grainy mustard) works great here but you can use whatever you have on hand.
  • Garlic – I prefer to use fresh or frozen but garlic powder or even jarred will work.
  • Maple syrup – Balances the tanginess with a touch of sweetness. Brown sugar could be used in a pinch.  
  • Kosher salt – Tenderizes and brings out the flavor.
  • Rosemary – Fresh or dried, it adds an aromatic touch.

​Optional:  If you love onion, feel free to slice some, or even add onion powder if you have it. If you love the bite of black pepper, you can season with that as you like as well.  These ingredients, don’t add extra calories, so you can play around with the flavors that you like.  

Olive oil really isn’t necessary for this because we’re air frying.  

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Pork

Start by trimming any excess fat or silver skin from your pork tenderloin. This ensures even cooking and prevents unwanted calories from fat.

Step 2: Marinate the Pork

In a small bowl, mix together apple cider vinegar, mustard, garlic, maple syrup, kosher salt and rosemary. Place the pork in a resealable bag or container and pour the marinade over it. Seal and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes or overnight for best results.

Step 3: Preheat the Air Fryer

Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees F. You really want to be sure it’s preheated to get a proper cook.

Step 4: Cook the Pork

Remove the pork from the marinade and pat it dry with a paper towel. Place it in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Air fry the pork at 400 degrees F for about 20 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees F. Use an instant-read thermometer to check the center of the meat for accurate cooking.

Step 5: Rest the Meat

Once cooked, remove the pork tenderloin from the air fryer and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. This helps the juices redistribute, ensuring a juicy, delicious pork chop every single time.

Serving Suggestions

  • Roasted or air-fried vegetables – Sweet potatoes, green beans, or cauliflower rice are great options.
  • Fresh green salad – A light vinaigrette complements the flavors beautifully.
  • Quinoa or wild rice pilaf – Compliment your protein with whole grain carbs to round out the meal.
  • Savory apple chutney – Or even apple sauce complements the pork’s flavors with a touch of sweetness.

One of my favorite sides this summer has been this celery salad – the kids even love it.  They also like to have pork with tater tots or sweet potato.  

Tips for the Best Pork Tenderloin

  • Use a meat thermometer – Ensuring the pork reaches the correct internal temperature is key to food safety. This may just be my most used piece of kitchen equipment!
  • Don’t skip the marinade – It’s one of my favorite ways to infuse the pork with flavor. Just 15 minutes is all it takes!
  • Preheat the air fryer – A preheated air fryer ensures even cooking.
  • Rest the meat – This step guarantees a clean plate every time.

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

Nutrition and Macros

You may think pork is a no-no if you’re trying to keep calories low, but in reality, pork tenderloin is a lean cut of meat, meaning it has a low fat content and is lower in calories compared to other cuts of pork. This makes it an ideal choice for those who are trying to maintain a healthy diet. In fact, a 3-ounce serving of pork tenderloin contains only about 120 calories and 2.5 grams of fat.

It’s also high in protein, which can help keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time and can aid in building and repairing muscle. And if you’re doing the FASTer Way with me, you know hitting your protein goals helps reduce cravings and prevent overeating.

It’s also a good source of essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins. These nutrients are important for maintaining overall health and can be lacking in certain restrictive diets.

This easy recipe is perfect for busy weeknights and will become one of your favorite air fryer recipes. If you try this recipe, and I hope you do, let me know!  

For more delicious recipes like my quick air fried donut holes, make sure to join my mailing list.  

Rosemary Garlic Pork Tenderloin

Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6
Calories 180 kcal


  • 2 pounds lean pork tenderloin
  • 1.5 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp grainy mustard
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2.5 tsp maple syrup
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 2 tsp dried rosemary


  • Mix together marinade ingredients and submerge pork for at least 15 minutes or overnight in fridge.
  • Pull pork out about 30 min before cooking.
  • Place in preheated air frier (400F) for about 20 minutes or until thermometer reads 145F.


Serving: 5ozCalories: 180kcalCarbohydrates: 3gProtein: 32gFat: 3gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0.03gCholesterol: 98mgSodium: 911mgPotassium: 629mgFiber: 0.3gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 5IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 19mgIron: 2mg
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

Start making extra money with a nutrition side hustle

As a registered dietitian and all around food person, FASTer Way to Fat Loss is THE program I would recommend for anyone looking to tone up, shed fat, feel better in their clothes, have more energy, even improve cholesterol levels or simply start establishing healthy habits.  I would recommend it for all of these reasons and more – BECAUSE IT WORKS!  

It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle that delivers customized results.  No gimmicks, just a massive support system and all the tools you need to be successful.  

Read more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss here.

But then something unexpected happened

After just a few months of starting the FASTer Way – I had a little voice in the back of my head that was nudging me to become a coach.  It was involuntary… and kind of a no-brainer.  With my corporate position as a dietitian, I don’t have the opportunity to work with clients one on one.  So in sharing a lifestyle that I already live (and know delivers results), I can help people and make significant income.  Three years later, I wouldn’t change a thing.  

There is nothing quite seeing one of your clients hit a milestone or overcome a limiting belief.  It is G-O-L-D.  

Who would I recommend become a coach with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss?

  • Registered Dietitians who works in a clinical setting who want’s to diversify client base.  Or maybe you’re an RD that wants to get out of clinical all together?
  • Do you want to pivot to working with motivated clients?  
  • Are you an RD entrepreneur who is starting out and wants to make a bigger impact.
  • Wellness professionals who have the knowledge, but need the business support to get started. 
  • A personal trainer who has the fitness expertise, but needs the proper nutrition support that is correct and sound!    

If you are a nutrition or wellness professional that wants to make additional income, this post is for you!  

Blending Passion with Income 

Convergence is a beautiful thing, especially when your passion for nutrition intersects with the potential for earning income. The median annual wage for a dietitian or nutritionist is $71,000.1  That’s the median, meaning many RD’s are making much less. By becoming a Faster Way coach, you unlock a great way to do just that (and more). Not only do you get to witness incredible health transformations everyday, but you also get compensated for your commitment and expertise in coaching clients through the program.  So how much can you make?  Sky is the limit really.  Check out this income calculator tool to get an idea of what you could make in a side hustle or in a full time commitment.  

Is this passive income?

No, as a coach with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you are paid to coach clients through the six week program and on an ongoing basis when they go into membership.  This is an active and ongoing commitment to leverage your nutrition knowledge and coach clients with healthy recipes, tweaking macros, learning balance and educating clients on a daily or weekly basis.  (Totally different than patient care!)

To empower you to become the best nutrition and fitness coach using the most effective program on the market so you can help your clients get incredible, sustainable results while you earn a significant income.

All of the right tools to do the job

Imagine having an online course, digital products like lead generators, and social media marketing strategies at your fingertips. With Faster Way, you’re not just dabbling in an extra gig; while it could be your hobby, you’re actually growing a scalable online business. When I logged into the coach portal for the first time, I was really impressed with the amount of resources available.  Literally everything I wanted to know was at my fingertips. But more importantly, the infrastructure to run a business is already set up. Once I signed on to become a coach, it’s like I received a business in a box and could hit the ground running.  

For example:  

  • coding on the back end
  • all the financials are automated from clients, and to you
  • a back office login to keep leads, income, reports organized
  • tools like macro tracker, meal plans, and workouts that synergistic and customizable
  • macro tool for nutrition analysis
  • Did I mention that the program works?  

Literally all of the little things that you need have already been thought of, and they’re at your fingertips!

Read more about the initial six week program here.  

A Source of Joy and Personal Growth 

From personal experience—I can tell you, there’s little that compares with the satisfaction of guiding real, everyday women towards sustainable health solutions and if you’re a health professional, I know you know it’s true. The FASTer Way program is technically virtual, but you can bring it to the real world in a lot of ways.  Partner with a local grocery stores, bike shop or coffee shop to add value in a small group for these businesses.  You can put as much work into it as you want to, and you have the ability as a dietitian to discuss you’re passion nutrition topics with your clients.  Some FASTer Way to Fat Loss coaches incorporate the program into their private nutrition practice offerings while others exclusively promote the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.  

Unbeatable Support

Fruit smoothie kale, arugula, berries

You’re not going into this alone. I will help you, and the FASTer Way team will support you every step of the way. Benefit from tools and resources crafted to boost your personal growth and professional development. From meal plans, workouts and a central app to a back office manager, comprehensive coach portal and ongoing trainings, you will have everything you need to succeed.  

Harness Your Expertise 

Leverage your nutrition knowledge in ways traditional dietetic roles may not allow. Personally I love that we focus on whole food nutrition while incorporating fitness and mindset.  With the FASTer Way you get the benefit of a nutrition program developed by dietitians WITH the expertise from trainers to pair diet and exercise to build healthy longterm habits with your clients.  

Flexible Schedule

Benefit from a flexible schedule that tailors to your time management needs. Whether it’s a supplement to your full time job or a transition to entrepreneurship, Faster Way gives you the control to pace your growth and client engagements on your own time.  

Is Social Media Required?

Truthfully, you don’t even need social media to get new clients.  If you’re a dietitian, you know, once you tell someone what you do – you get all the details, and inevitably you’re asked for a meal plan!  Welp- the FASTer Way offers a solution that can turn those conversations into extra income.  But it doen’t hurt to have a social media presence. Many coaches start from scratch with Instagram, a brand new youtube channel, an email list or simply dedicated blog posts.  Whichever platform you use to communicate to your ideal client, is where you will start.  And a lot of times this changes as time goes on.  

The First Step Towards a Full-Time Passion 

If that little voice is in the back of your head too. Read more about certification here.  It’s a great place to start thinking about your business plan and to find out if it’s the right place for you!  As I continue with the FASTer Way, I often think back to our ShopRite User Group days.  All 50-150 dietitians getting together once a month to share best practices and learn from each other.  The FASTer Way is user group on steroids.  IYKYK 🙂

If you’re ready to redefine your career or to become a side hustler, then this opportunity is for you!  

Your expertise is needed, wanted, and can be lucratively rewarded. Coaching with Faster Way to Fat Loss isn’t just a profitable prospect; it’s a substantial move towards a more fulfilled, impactful professional life. 



About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

Low-carb & delicious Cheesy Cabbage Pizza recipe

Who says pizza can’t be both delicious and healthy? Last night, I decided to put a creative spin on pizza by using cabbage as the crust.  

Cabbage as a pizza base may sound unusual, but these thick slices of low-carb deliciousness are not only satisfying but also packed with vitamin C, aiding weight loss (because they’re low calorie) and supporting immune systems thanks to their prebiotic fiber. Plus, it aligns perfectly with a whole foods approach to nutrition that I teach in my weight loss program – The FASTer Way to Fat Loss. The fact is, this unique take on pizza is perfect for your next week’s menu rotation—especially if you’re looking to keep things tasty and nutrient-rich.  Did I mention cabbage is likely the most affordable vegetable at the market?  

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Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach


  • Thick slices of green cabbage or red cabbage (I’ve tried both and they’re great)
  • 1/4 cup marinara sauce or tomato sauce per slice(Recommended brand: Rao’s)
  • 1/2 oz shredded mozzarella cheese per slice
  • Toppings of choice (we like turkey pepperoni)
  • Olive oil spray
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional toppings: green onions, cherry tomatoes, garlic powder, fresh basil, mushrooms, pineapple and left over ham.  Sky’s the limit!  
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image of cabbage pizzas on sheet pan

Step-By-Step Guide:

Preparing Your Cabbage Base:

  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare your baking tray.
  2. Cut your red cabbage into 3/4 inch slice rounds that will form the bases of your pizza.
  3. Lay them on a baking sheet and spray each slice with olive oil.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to infuse the slices with flavor.
  5. Roast in the oven until they reach a delectable golden brown, about 20 minutes.

Adding the Toppings:

  1. Once the first roast is done, carefully flip over each cabbage steaks.
  2. Spoon 1/4 cup of the marinara sauce over each round, creating a tomato mixture that mirrors traditional pizza.
  3. Sprinkle each with 1/2 oz of finely shredded mozzarella cheese.
  4. Add the turkey pepperoni or any other bite-sized pieces of your preferred toppings.
  5. Optional: For a burst of fresh taste, add green onions, cherry tomatoes, and a sprinkle of garlic powder or oregano.
  6. Return to the oven and bake at medium heat for another 10-15 minutes or until the cheese bubbles into melted perfection.


  1. Garnish with fresh basil leaves.
  2. Serve hot.
Pizzas portioned out on plate

Why Cabbage Pizza?

The beauty of this cabbage pizza lies in its simplicity. With only three core ingredients, it takes the hassle out of dinner prep. Cabbage is a powerhouse vegetable, making these pizzas ideal for those on a keto diet, low carb or even carb-cycling, providing essential nutrients with minimal g fat.  

Because we’re baking the cabbage rather than frying, it retains much of its nutritional value. And thanks to cabbage’s flexibility, it pairs beautifully with nearly any topping. 

If you’re in meal prep mode, these pizzas are convenient to reheat and can make great quick lunches throughout the week. Plus, for anyone interested in weight management without compromising on taste, swapping your traditional pizza base with cabbage might just be the tip you’ve been looking for.

Social media platforms like TikTok have sparked a trend for innovative, health-focused recipes, and this cabbage pizza is sure to join the ranks as a great recipe for low carb meals.

Remember, when it comes to cooking, the joy is in the experiment. Swap ingredients, try new toppings, and find what works best for you and your dietary needs.

How they fit into macros

One 3/4 inch pizza with 1/4 cup marinara and 1/2 oz mozzarella cheese provides:

107 Calories

8g Carbohydrate

3g Fiber

6g Fat

6g Protein

Log your toppings individually to customize for your macros!

Pizzas portioned out on plate

Cabbage Pizza

3 ingredients and simple. Need I say more?
Cook Time 4 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 4
Calories 107 kcal


  • 1 Sheetpan lined


  • 1 head cabbage sliced into 3/4 inch pieces
  • 1 cup marinara sauce
  • 2 oz mozzarella cheese shredded


  • Lay cabbage slices onto sheet pan. Spray both sides with olive oil spray. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Bake at 400F for 20 minutes.
  • Flip cabbage and layer with sauce, cheese and toppings.
  • Cook for another 10-15 minutes until cheese is bubbly and melted.


Calories: 107kcalCarbohydrates: 8gProtein: 6gFat: 4gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 11mgSodium: 420mgPotassium: 579mgFiber: 3gSugar: 10gVitamin A: 583IUVitamin C: 87mgCalcium: 171mgIron: 2mg
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

Helpful essentials when starting the FASTer Way to Fat Loss

Welcome to what could be the start of a life-changing experience for you—the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. Embarking on this path is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining a whole new understanding of health and wellness. However, to maximize your chances for success and truly thrive on this program, having the right tools can make all the difference. In this post, I’m sharing the essentials that my clients find the most value in having as they start their new healthy lifestyle!

The Essentials for a Smooth Journey

Before you launch into the world of intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and effective workouts, it’s important to gather a few key items. And before you commit to a specific coach – be sure you like their style of teaching. I think this is an important one that easily gets overlooked!

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

Fitness Must-Haves

  • Sports Bra: Starting any workout regimen without good support is like trying to run a race with your shoes untied—it just doesn’t make sense! A quality sports bra will keep you comfortable and focused on the task at hand.
  • Sneakers: The backbone of any physical activity, a sturdy pair of sneakers is vital. They’re not just for show; they protect and support your feet through every squat, lunge, jump, or step.
  • Strength Bands/Weights: While body weight is an excellent resistance tool, incorporating some basic weights or strength bands can add variety and challenge your muscles in new ways.
  • Water Bottle: Hydration is key, especially when you’re pushing your body to new depths. Keep a water bottle on hand to ensure your water intake is up to par with your hard work.

Kitchen Allies

  • Dry Measuring Cups & Spoons, Kitchen Scale: These tools are pivotal in mastering portion control, which is an integral part of the program’s nutrition approach.
  • Sheet Pans & Food Storage Containers: Meal prep is a game-changer when it comes to sticking to the weekly meal plans. Having the right containers will keep your nutritious meals fresh and ready to go.
  • Protein Powder: I find that most clients at some point start using a protein supplement to help build lean muscle. The trick with a protein powder is to find one that delivers protein and not carbohydrate and fat. This makes meeting macro goals much easier!

Tech Support

  • iPhone/Smartphone: Immediate access to the FASTer Way app keeps you tapped into daily workouts, meal plans, and the supportive community for that daily accountability boost.
  • TV that will mirror your phone: Totally not required, but I find that I like to cast my screen to make workouts more enjoyable.

If I had to pick just one thing

I would highly, suggest that you invest in a kitchen scale.  It will be a game changer when it comes to dialing in on your macros. 

Beyond the Physical Items

Having physical items on hand is wonderful, but the most important part of your success is cultivating an open mind. The strategies you will implement—like low macro days and regular macro days—are designed to elevate your metabolic rate and improve overall health, not just for immediate results but as part of a holistic approach to wellness.

Adopting the FASTer Way lifestyle means recognizing that this isn’t just a weight loss program—it’s a complete recalibration of how you view and consume food, how you move your body, and how you prioritize your overall health.

Success Stories to Inspire You

The FASTer Way has been a game-changer for many who’ve walked this path before you. Take it from our community members who’ve found success:

A Final Word of Encouragement

Remember, your commitment to this 6-week program and ultimately joining the VIP membership is about integrating these new practices into your life one day at a time. From the start prep week with your certified coach, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success.

One of the best things about this online fitness program is that it truly provides a consistent community, always ready to provide comprehensive support through social media platforms, VIP programs, and of course, the irreplaceable Facebook group banter. 

You will have a wealth of resources at your fingertips—from meal plan information to ongoing access to sample meal plans and daily meal plan recipes.

Join thousands of FASTer Way veterans who’ve seen great results, and remember, becoming a more confident, healthy, and energized you is worth every step, every rep, and every healthy meal. 

Are you ready to start your weight loss journey with the right tools and best support? Join me and become a faster way member today! 🌟

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

When to hire a registered dietitian and how much it costs

Are you overwhelmed by the wealth of information available on social media around nutrition, health and various fad diets? It may be time to consider hiring a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who can guide you through the process of creating a healthy lifestyle – that works for you. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics confirms that RDNs have earned at least a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics, followed by completing an accredited internship and passing a national examination. And the truth is, many dietitian’s don’t stop there with their education.  They continue on to get their Masters in Nutrition or complimentary subjects such as communications, psychology and business among others.  

I chose to focus on culinary arts and nutrition because I believe the best way to eat healthy, is to make your food taste good. After all, flavor drives our eating decisions most of the time!

You can read more about me here.  

When is the right time to turn to an RDN

Trying to lose weight or managing health with healthy food choices is a universal struggle that we’ve all experienced at some point. You may have heard that weight loss simply comes down to burning more calories than we consume, but it’s not that simple. Our bodies are complicated machines with individual reactions to food.

photo of a burn fat text on round blue plate

It’s time to consider working with a dietitian if:

  • Postpartum has taken a toll and you want to fee like yourself again
  • Emotional eating has become significant hurdle to overcome. 
  • Genetics and hormones have made it challenging to lose weight.
  • “Quick fix” products and crash diets have not delivered on their claims.
  • You’ve gained and lost the same 20 pounds for years.  
  • You put in the time at the gym but you don’t see any changes.  
  • You’re not sure where to start with a nutrition program that will be effective.  
  • You are at a healthy weight, but you want to feel more toned and build muscle.
  • You want feel energetic as you go through the day!
  • You’ve tried diet plans, cleanses, meal prepping and pills but nothing seems to meet your personal needs.
  • You need a plan that will get you results for the long term!

The key to successful weight loss is patience, consistency, and giving yourself grace. With dedication and willingness to put in the work and make realistic lifestyle changes, anyone can achieve their health goals. TRUST ME.

preparing lemonade with lemon and sprig of rosemary

If you have food allergies, dietary needs, or a specific medical conditions such as heart disease or high cholesterol, it’s always a good idea to seek advice from an RDN. They can advise and develop a nutrition plan tailored to your needs, including creating personalized meal plans, guidance for grocery shopping, and providing nutritional counseling that focuses on habit building to support your health issues.

How do you find the right person for your needs?

If you are not sure where to start looking for an RDN, social media, the academy website, and referrals from your primary doctor can be great options to explore. When you hire an RDN, you can be sure that they have clinical experience and are a credentialed nutrition professional as a result of their training. Dietitian’s are the nutrition experts.  

You may be surprised to know that dietitians work in a variety of industries that include:  

  • Clinical work in the hospital with adults and children that have a variety of disease states
  • Long-term care facilities working with elderly and rehab patients
  • Supporting athletes in sports nutrition
  • Working with shoppers to choose healthy products at the grocery store
  • Writing for your favorite health and food publications
  • Recipe development for food companies
  • Private practice within a variety of spaces including weight management
  • Virtual dietitians can offer a variety of services including group programs
  • And many more…
scrabble pieces on a plate

In addition to their training and experience, RDN’s also stay up-to-date on the latest research and guidelines in nutrition. This means that they can provide accurate and evidence-based advice to help you reach your health goals. They can also work with you to develop personalized meal plans based on your specific dietary needs and preferences.

What to expect when working with me

I work with women who are motivated to build habits to achieve a healthy weight as well as a positive mindset around food.  

After enrolling in the initial six week orientation program, also referred to as a 6-week round, I will learn about your medical history, nutritional needs, and health goals with a new client intake form. Then we talk strategy to support your goals, which may include intermittent fasting, carb cycling, custom macros, workout and meal plans, recipes recommendations and hydration goals.  It’s tailored to your specific medical conditions or stage of life (including pregnancy and post partum)and may include advice on meal planning, food groups, and nutrient-rich diets to ensure a safe and healthy relationship with food. Basically we will create a nutrition plan based on your unique needs so that you can feel stronger, energized and ready to take on whatever comes at you!

When you hire an RDN (like me) you can feel confident knowing you are in the hands of a knowledgeable and experienced professional. You want to ensure you find an RDN who is a good fit for your personality and someone who can help motivate you to create and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to find someone who you can build a good relationship with, as follow-up visits are critical for long-term success.  

Instagram is a great way to get to know your future dietitian a little better, and learn about their philosophy.  Check out my instagram here!  

While scrolling, beware of fad diets and quick fix solutions. Working with a dietitian will help you steer clear of them and teach you the best way to lead a healthier lifestyle – for good!

How much does it cost to work with a dietitian?

The cost of working with a registered dietitian can vary depending on a number of factors such as location, expertise, and number of sessions.

person counting cash money

On average, the hourly rate for a registered dietitian in the United States is around $100-$200 and generally there is an initial longer consultation with a series of follow ups.  That said, many insurance plans cover the cost of consultations with a registered dietitian, so it’s important to check with your provider to see if these services are covered. In addition, some companies offer their employees access to registered dietitians as part of their wellness programs, so it’s worth checking with your employer to see if this is an option.

I work with clients virtually, the cost of the initial 6-week program is $249, and $99 a month thereafter if they choose to keep working with me.  There’s no doubt about it.  The cost is an investment in your health – and you are well worth it.  As my mom always says, if you have your health – you have everything you need.  

I hope to chat with you soon!

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

Does the Faster Way to Fat Loss plan actually work?

Hey there, friends! I’m Melanie, a registered dietitian and Faster Way coach, and I am thrilled to share about the amazing Faster Way to Fat Loss program. If you’re looking for a fat loss program that incorporates the latest research in nutrition and fitness AND can fit into your every day life, you’re in the right place!


The Faster Way to Fat Loss program is an online program that includes key components like intermittent fasting, carb cycling, low-carb days, whole food nutrition, and daily 30 minute workouts. Developed by Amanda Tress, a personal trainer, and nutrition coach, the program has helped tens of thousands of people achieve great results in terms of weight loss, energy levels, and overall wellness. ***The Faster Way isn’t a fitness program that promises you’ll lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  It’s a nutrition program that incorporates fitness to help you build healthful habits for your individual needs.  It helps you navigate those real life struggles of nutrition and wellness in an effective way.  And with my help (your personal coach), you’re sure to be successful no matter your goal.  All you need to do is trust the process.  

The first week

The first week of the program is dedicated to prep, which includes setting macro goals, learning about the different types of whole foods to consume, explore meal plans and recipes while adjusting to your fasting window.  

Once you’re familiar with the program, you’ll jump right into the hiit and weight training workouts during week two. While they are not required, my clients that do participate in workouts see results faster – plus they feel better in other aspects of life too. (Think better mood, regular periods, better sleep).  Rest days are also key to the program, allowing your body to recover and prepare sets the foundation for lean muscle growth. On top of that, the Faster Way App provides beginner workouts as well as advanced workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, at your own level.  

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

You will have all of the tools you need for success

  • Daily workouts
  • Intermittent fasting timer
  • Hydration tracker
  • Weekly meal plans and recipes (totally optional – but highly recommend!)
  • Challenge incentives with fun gifts
  • Supplements such as protein and collagen that help you hit your macros
  • Personal coach to answer questions and help you tweak the program for your needs

What I like the most as a dietitian

One of the biggest takeaways from the program is how it helps you with proper eating habits. The intermittent fasting eating window can be challenging at first, but you’ll quickly learn the right foods to eat during this time. And you’ll be amazed at how much food you should actually eat! The program also uses carb cycling, which means some days will be low carb days and others will be regular days. And remember, while research suggests that intermittent fasting eating schedule may work well for many people, it must be tweaked for certain people due to medications, pregnancy or other conditions.  Another reason why having a personal coach is so important.  

Read more about the 28 Reasons Why I Love the Faster Way.

Net carbs are emphasized throughout the program, ensuring you’re eating the right foods at the right time, especially on low carb days. This program isn’t like others where you’ll be depriving yourself of the foods you love the most. Rather, it is about making lifestyle changes consistently for six weeks that will benefit you in the long term.  And this 6-week program is the jumpstart to a lifetime of healthy habits! 

The Faster Way to Fat Loss program is more than just a workout plan. It’s a nutrition and exercise program that helps you change your lifestyle, both in and out of the gym. The monthly fee is an investment in your health.  And it will most likely be less expensive than a gym membership or personal trainer.

I’m now at the three year mark with the Faster Way.  I started just after my son was born and it changed my life! I would suggest it to anyone looking for a new year’s resolution to kick off healthier options in their lives. If you’re serious about your health and fitness goals, this is an excellent program to explore!

My honest review of the Faster Way to Fat Loss program: Hard work is key to carrying out any weight loss program, and in the beginning, it may seem overwhelming. But don’t be discouraged, there is an entire community doing the program with you every single day, whether it’s in your app, on FB, or your personal coach, you’re not alone. With the program’s online component, you’ll feel well-supported throughout your journey. Another great feature that I want to highlight is that members have access to the VIP program, where Amanda and her team offer extra coaching and accountability. And now, everything is centralized in the app.  It’s where you track your macros, enter your favorite foods, find your workouts, save your progress photos, track your hydration and fasting status.  It’s your one stop shop for educational and inspirational videos too.  

Through the FWTFL program, I was able to make a lot of changes that stick with me even today.  I’ve lost the baby weight, and have even started to enjoy strength training days.  I’ve never liked working out, but the at-home workouts are so quick and effective, I actually look forward to doing them.  It’s my “me” time.

If you’re considering making a lifestyle change and need additional support, I’d encourage you to check out the Faster Way program. With the right balance of intermittent fasting, carb cycling, low-carb days, whole food nutrition, gym workouts, and different workouts, it’s the perfect solution to achieving your fitness goals! Make the investment to create the best version of yourself!

My next round of the faster way STARTS HERE!!

Check out a sample FASTer Way meal plan.  

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that supports your health goals while feeding the rest of your family (including the kiddoes) well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie

How to Cut Papaya – Step by Step

While there are all different types of papaya or “pawpaw”, all of them are native to tropical regions such as Central and South America, Mexico, Hawaii. Local grocery stores near me carry Mexican papayas and the brand they had today was Chula Vista. They are large football shaped fruit, weighing about four pounds and are green when unripe. The inside can range from yellow to deep peach or bright orange flesh that has the texture of mango, with the sweet flavor of melon. They also have hundreds of black seeds inside which are normally removed, but don’t worry, they’re edible! Read on for how to cut papaya in different ways and why you want to do it!!

How to choose a papaya at the store

In addition to Mexican papaya, you may also see Hawaiian papaya in the U.S. Either way, they will most likely be green, so just pick one that is heavy for it’s size with clean, unblemished skin. Ripe papaya should have a sweet aroma and papaya skin should hold an impression when squeezed gently. Handle gently to prevent bruising. And beware, fresh papaya will continue to ripen at home. Peak season is late Fall through early Spring. Though, like pineapple, in the US papaya are available and ready to eat year round.

How do you know when it’s ripe?

When you get it home, it will likely need a few days to ripen to a nice yellow color. Unripe papaya is green and should be stored in a cool dry place. I remember my grandfather wrapping it in newspaper and leaving it on the counter in the cool laundry room to become ripe at room temperature.

Papayas are kind of like bananas, where they’re not so sweet when they’re green, but they’re really enjoyable to eat when they’re deep yellow, even slightly spotted.

Papayas are best enjoyed when they are 3/4 yellow. Overripe papaya may blemish and develop soft spots. If this happens, cut it right away.

How to ripen papaya at home

Store green papaya wrapped in newspaper or in a paper bag in a cool dry place for 2-3 days until it is no longer green, and is turning yellow. The more yellow and spotted the papaya, the riper it is. Once it is ripe, or turning yellow, it should be cut. It can be stored in the fridge to stall ripening, if you’re not quite ready to cut it yet.

What you need to start cutting

  • cutting board
  • chef’s knife
  • paring knife
  • spoon
  • optional: vegetable peeler

How to cut your papaya

  1. Remove the paper from your papaya
  2. Rinse under cool running water.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut the papaya in half, longways.
  4. Then cut off the ends of the papaya.
  5. Using a large spoon, remove the black seeds and discard, or set aside to add to salad dressings for a peppery bite!
  6. At this point you can use a melon baller to scoop out kid friendly rounds!
  7. OR I like to use a chef’s knife to cut into long strips, about 3/4 inch thick. For me, this is the simplest method.
  8. Then use a paring knife to remove the papaya skin along with any black spots
  9. Then I either serve in strips or cut into smaller pieces.

I’ve seen people remove the skin of the fruit with a vegetable peeler, but it can be a little cumbersome. If you want to remove the skin before cutting the fruit halves, I recommend turning the “papaya boat” or half, upside down so the flat side is on the flat surface of the counter top so the slippery fruit is more stable.

What does papaya taste like?

Mexican papaya is firm and juicy, but not quite as intense as Hawaiian papaya, which are much smaller in size.

Papaya has a sweet taste similar to other melons and can have a musky flavor when overripe. If you don’t like the flavor of papaya at room temperature, you may like it chilled.

What do you do with papaya seeds?

The small round black seeds inside the papaya are actually edible! They have a peppery flavor and can easily be incorporated into salad dressings or marinades.

If that doesn’t sound good to you, compost them or discard.

How to serve papaya?

  • Chilled with a little lime juice
  • Chop it into a fruit salad with other tropical fruits such as mango and banana
  • Papaya salsa made with red onion
  • Use papaya halves as their own bowl! Fill them with tuna salad, fruit, yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Add papaya to salad
  • Consider adding papaya to lunchboxes as an interesting and tasty addition
  • Add to holiday fruit baskets.
  • Add a papaya salad to your brunch spread
  • Pair with grilled meat and seafood for a pop of color and balance.
  • Add papaya to marinades to take advantage of their natural tenderizing properties
  • Cut a papaya to pair with food from Indian cuisines
  • Juice it or add to smoothies!

What flavors go well with papaya?

  • meat
  • poultry
  • smoked meats
  • avocado
  • chilies
  • lime
  • lemon
  • tropical fruits
  • coconut
  • ginger

How to store papaya?

  • Store in an airtight container for several days in the refrigerator.
  • Chunks can also be frozen. I recommend freezing them on a large sheet pan first. Then place frozen chunks in a zip lock bag, remove as much air as possible and then place back in the freezer for up to three months!

How does papaya fit into my macros?

  • Just like most fruit!
  • Make a mental note to fit it into your next regular or low macro days!
  • Portion it out into 1 or 2 cup servings for an easy grab and go lunch!
  • 1 cup : 16g Carb, 2g Fiber, 1g Protein, 1g Fat

Papaya Nutrition

Papaya is low in calories and rich in nutrients and has a lot of health benefits. List most fruit, they’re low in calories and a good source of fiber and other important nutrients.

Just one cup of pieces has…

  • 62 calories
  • 1g protein
  • .5g fat
  • 16g carb
  • 2g fiber
  • 29mg calcium
  • 264mg potassium
  • 53mcg folate
  • 68mcg vit A
  • 88mg vit C
  • 3.77mcg vit K
  • 2650mcg lycopene

And so much more!! 2

They’re high in vitamins A, C, K and folate, fiber and potassium!

They’re also rich in antioxidants carotenoids and phenols.

It also contains an enzyme called papain, which aids digestion.

Papaya was ranked first in a study that compared 40 different fruits for their Dietary Recommended Intake of nine vitamins, potassium and fiber.3

It’s combination of vitamins A and C, fiber and potassium make it a super heart healthy fruit.

Red flesh papaya fruit are a good source of lycopene which is an inactive source of Vitamin A that has been linked with reduced risk for lung, prostate and stomach cancers.1



Prep macro friendly foods the whole family will love!

What are macro friendly foods?

All foods are made of macronutrients or macros for short. Any food that makes it’s easy to identify and count macros is “a macro friendly food” in my book. But I’ve also seen it used as a way to describe foods that give you the most volume of food – which if you’re used to limiting calories and portions- is a very welcomed thing! There are a lot of macro friendly foods and we’ll go into all the details below.

The great thing about macro friendly foods is – they are minimally processed and family friendly. As a mom of two, there is nothing worse than having to make a separate meal for me and another for the kids. When I prepare meals like those described below, everyone is happy because the flavors are familiar, they’re easy to deconstruct if you have picky kids and you know exactly what your macros are for the meal!

Macros 101

There are three types of macros: Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat. Each one has a different job. They help us build new tissue like muscles, give our brains energy and help regulate our hormones!

Don’t confuse tracking macros or macro friendly foods with low calorie, or low fat diets. You can track macros as part of any diet plan, whether you’re gluten free, vegan, vegetarian or aiming to gain weight, gain muscle or lose body fat. Your macro goals just need to be set correctly – and by a professional!

An easy dinner that is macro friendly could look like roasted sweet potatoes, grilled chicken breast and broccoli drizzled with olive oil. A meal like this includes all three macros (is a complete meal!) and it’s easy to see where the g protein, g fat and g carbohydrates are coming from! Chicken = protein, sweet potato = carbs and olive oil = fats!

macro friendly food
Macrofriendly salad with vegetables, chicken breast and edible flower for balanced dinner

Macro friendly sources of lean protein

If your goal is to lose fat, your goal should be to get enough protein at each meal. I recommend having 3-4 ounces of protein at each meal or snack to keep yourself feeling full.

  • Chicken breast
  • Greek yogurt
  • Eggs and egg whites
  • Lean ground turkey
  • Lean ground chicken
  • Protein shakes (check labels)
  • black beans
  • Protein bars (check labels)

As a rule of thumb, one ounce of lean protein = 7 g protein. Protein provides 4 calories per gram.

Macro friendly sources of higher fat protein

  • Chicken legs
  • Ground beef
  • Flank steak
  • Filet mignon
  • Chicken thighs
  • Salmon
  • Low fat or fat free cottage cheese
  • Unsweetened Greek yogurt

High protein snacks include: beef jerky, dried turkey sticks, edamame, hard boiled eggs, deli meats and protein shakes.

Macro friendly source of carbohydrate

  • Sweet potato
  • White potato
  • Brown rice
  • White rice
  • Quinoa
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Most fruit in general

Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram.

Wheat products such as bread, tortillas, english muffins, pancakes and French toast are sources of carbohydrate, however they are also sources of fat and potentially sugar which make tracking their macros tricky. One bread that I do like is Ezekiel Bread. It’s minimally processed made from sprouted wheat and has higher protein than other breads. If you want to include breads in your diet choose whole grain options where the first ingredient is whole wheat and sugar is not in the first three ingredients.

Macro friendly sources of fat

Not all fats are created equally. Some fats like those found in fatty fish, olives and avocados are healthy fats. Research has shown us that these fats promote heart health and desirable cholesterol levels. Fats that are solid at room temperature, such as those found in red meat, butter, even full fat coconut milk are sources of saturated fat which should be limited or avoided especially if you’ve been diagnosed or are at risk for heart disease.

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Shaved coconut
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Nut butter
  • Salmon

Fat provides the body with 9 calories per gram.

Tips for shopping at the grocery store

The simplest way to ensure you have macro friendly foods in your cart is to shop the perimeter! But trust me, there are a lot of amazing macro friendly foods in the center aisles of the store too.

  1. In the produce aisle, everything is fair game. Stock up on fruits and veggies for your meals and snacks. I like to go into the week with at least three vegetable options in the fridge. My go-to’s are broccoli, spinach and bell peppers but I may get more depending on what looks fresh and how many nights I will be cooking! Macro friendly produce items: broccoli, spinach, bell peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, leafy greens, endive, salad mixes, garlic, melons, bananas, apples, peaches, pineapples, berries and the list goes on and on.
  2. Moving onto the deli. I like to get some deli meats for quick lunches that are high in protein. Sandwiches don’t take much time to put together and they’re a great way to create a macro balanced meal. (think bread, meat, veggies, and mayo or oil)
  3. In the meat and seafood department, you can go with either fresh or frozen protein options. I usually get 3 protein options for the week. This gives me a chance to meal plan healthier options that will fit in my macros, and in case I don’t get to cook it all, I can just freeze what I don’t use for later. Chicken breast is always a good option to pick up for a quick baked or macro friendly grilled chicken. Lean ground beef is good for meal prep, taco Tuesday or meat loaf. Shrimp are a superfast and delicious way to be sure you get all the grams of protein you need for your goals.
  4. In the dairy section is where you’ll stock up on eggs, Greek yogurt and skim milk. Unsweetened almond, coconut or cashew milks are other lower macro alternatives to have on hand for delicious recipes and smoothies.
  5. When you turn the corner to the frozen aisles the macro friendly foods will be generally less processed without added sauces. (Though you can scan barcodes and manually add macro info from the nutrition facts panel to most macro calculators). My favorite frozen buys include spinach, kale, collards, broccoli, cauliflower rice, peas, chopped onions, and vegetable medley – I recommend the unsauced versions so you can add freely to recipes and track macros as needed. Sauced versions like those from Green Giant do make for convenient sides that the whole family will like- they have veggie tots that are a big hit with us too!
  6. The center aisles of the grocery store are where you can get your basics for quick meals. Pick up 90 second brown rice packets, tuna fish, canned beans of all kinds and your favorite low sodium seasonings. Seasonings are a great option to change up your meal prepped protein throughout the week in a flavorful way. This is also where you’ll find your oatmeal, tomato sauce, bean based pastas, whole grain cereals, jerky, trail mix, nuts, nut butters and more. You just need to read labels a bit more 🙂

Is ice cream macro friendly?

When I think of macro friendly meals, I think of all three macros. I want all three macros on my plate, at the very least two macros. Having all three macros is the perfect way to ensure that you’re hitting your target numbers by the end of the day.

That said, ice cream is very high in fat, sugar with very little protein.

This doesn’t mean you can’t eat it, it just means that you want to log your portion accurately, and try to modify your eating the rest of the day to compensate. There are macro friendly ice creams out there (Halo Top and Arctic Zero) that are higher in protein, and even use lower fat milk and sugar substitutes but you need to ask yourself this important question. Am I eating ice cream to meet my protein goals? or am I eating it for the enjoyment of food. For me- when I am in the mood for ice cream, nothing else will do. So I account for real ice cream in my macros, even though it’s high in fat and sugar. I guess that’s what makes counting macros so great – you can make food choices that work for you and your food preferences!

Tips for counting macros with homemade recipes

  • In general, it’s easier to count macros when cooking from scratch and eating whole and unprocessed foods.
  • Tracking macros doesn’t mean you need a detailed recipe though. The key to tracking macros with recipes is to add to your tracker in the portions used OR follow the recipe exactly as written.
  • Then portion out according to the listed serving size. For example, if you make a crustless quiche and it serves 8, simply cut it into 8 equal portions and use the nutrition information to log your macros. If you’re like me and 1 serving isn’t enough, you can easily double your portions, just be sure to multiply your macros by 2 when logging them.
  • Weigh out ingredients using the tare function on your scale. When I’m making homemade meatballs for example – place the mixing bowl on top of the scale. Then add ingredients by weight. Hit tare after each ingredient so the scale zeroes out. My favorite part of measuring ingredients this way is that there are much fewer dished!! No need to wash measuring cups or spoons!

When cooking or combining foods during cooking, my number one tip is to use the tare feature on your scale. Not only is it accurate, but you have significantly fewer dishes to do after cooking!

macro meal prep

Meal prep these macro friendly foods each week

  • hard boiled eggs
  • steel cut oats
  • baked sweet potato
  • grilled veggies
  • grilled or baked chicken breasts

Here are some easy recipes for the whole family

Bonus! Most of these recipes are from popular supermarket chains like ShopRite and Trader Joe’s that have an easy add to cart feature. Just click the recipe, select ingredients that you need for the week and send to cart!

Waldorf Chicken Salad
Macro friendly and perfect for a low carb day.
Check out this recipe
Roasted salmon on plate.
Air-fryer Roasted Salmon
Use salmon straight from the freezer.
Check out this recipe
delicious pumpkin soup in ceramic bowl
2 Ingredient Soup
This recipes is so easy and comes together quickly for a cozy soup.
Check out this recipe
Salmon Salad
Using canned salmon for a quick protein rich meal
Check out this recipe
Yogurt Curry Chicken Skewers
This recipe couldn't be faster to throw together, and it's a complete crowd pleaser.
Check out this recipe
Week-night Fajitas
Check out this recipe
Egg Roll meal prep
Egg Roll In A Bowl
Easy weeknight recipe that comes together with basic pantry staples and 2-3 fresh ingredients from the store!
Check out this recipe

Non-recipe recipes

These are easy ways to combine macro friendly foods into delicious meals! While the macros aren’t listed, these combos are easy to add to your macro tracker – and each combo includes protein, fat and carbohydrate to be sure you’re macro balanced!

  • Chocolate banana smoothie – 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower crumbles, 1T chia seed.
  • Cauliflower hash brown egg cups – Spray a muffin tin and layer 1/4 cup cauliflower, 1/4 cup frozen hash brown, 1 egg, salt and pepper – bake at 350 F until set!
  • Black bean bowl – 3/4 cup microwaveable brown rice, 1/2 cup black beans, 2T salsa, 2T sour cream, cilantro.
  • Classic chicken dinner – Roasted potatoes and baked chicken breast with steamed broccoli – just log your portions accordingly!
  • Warm salad bowl – Start with a bed of greens, add 1 cup of warm rice, add leftover herb chicken breast and top with diced cucumber and your favorite salad dressing
  • Chicken cutlet or grilled chicken with sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil for all of the flavors of chicken parmesan
  • You can never go wrong with a big salad – just be sure to make a meal out of it and invite all the macros to the party. Add shrimp, beans or lean steak, top with corn, onion and salsa for southwest flavors that win every time.

All of these are easily added to macro tracking calculators and will start you off with generally balanced meals. Portion sizes can be increased or decreased for your needs.

Making macro-friendly recipes is easier than you think!

How do I know what my macros should be?

A great way to find out your macro goals is to talk to a registered dietitian. Everyone has different macro goals based on activity level, lifestyle and body composition goals. It’s no one size fits all. And often, once macro goals are set, they will need to be reassessed and tweaked.

If you’re thinking about macros as daily allowance or “limits” – try to think of them as minimums in order to reach your goals!

We all have specific nutrient and macro needs based on our health and fitness goals, and tracking macros is an effective strategy to make well balanced and complete meals. Often weight loss programs focus on calories, which shifts the emphasis away from the three macronutrients and their important functions in the the body. The good news is when you include all three macros (according to your specific needs and goals) you can expect see changes!!I

If you’re new to macro counting, and want to learn more about why people do it. Check out my post about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

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Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

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