Does the Faster Way to Fat Loss plan actually work?

woman wearing black bra and white tank top raising both hands on top

Hey there, friends! I’m Melanie, a registered dietitian and Faster Way coach, and I am thrilled to share about the amazing Faster Way to Fat Loss program. If you’re looking for a fat loss program that incorporates the latest research in nutrition and fitness AND can fit into your every day life, you’re in the right place!


The Faster Way to Fat Loss program is an online program that includes key components like intermittent fasting, carb cycling, low-carb days, whole food nutrition, and daily 30 minute workouts. Developed by Amanda Tress, a personal trainer, and nutrition coach, the program has helped tens of thousands of people achieve great results in terms of weight loss, energy levels, and overall wellness. ***The Faster Way isn’t a fitness program that promises you’ll lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  It’s a nutrition program that incorporates fitness to help you build healthful habits for your individual needs.  It helps you navigate those real life struggles of nutrition and wellness in an effective way.  And with my help (your personal coach), you’re sure to be successful no matter your goal.  All you need to do is trust the process.  

The first week

The first week of the program is dedicated to prep, which includes setting macro goals, learning about the different types of whole foods to consume, explore meal plans and recipes while adjusting to your fasting window.  

Once you’re familiar with the program, you’ll jump right into the hiit and weight training workouts during week two. While they are not required, my clients that do participate in workouts see results faster – plus they feel better in other aspects of life too. (Think better mood, regular periods, better sleep).  Rest days are also key to the program, allowing your body to recover and prepare sets the foundation for lean muscle growth. On top of that, the Faster Way App provides beginner workouts as well as advanced workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, at your own level.  

Join my next round of the FASTer Way

Tired of endless diets and no results? Join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and see real, sustainable changes in just 6 weeks!

Melanie Marcus FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach

You will have all of the tools you need for success

  • Daily workouts
  • Intermittent fasting timer
  • Hydration tracker
  • Weekly meal plans and recipes (totally optional – but highly recommend!)
  • Challenge incentives with fun gifts
  • Supplements such as protein and collagen that help you hit your macros
  • Personal coach to answer questions and help you tweak the program for your needs

What I like the most as a dietitian

One of the biggest takeaways from the program is how it helps you with proper eating habits. The intermittent fasting eating window can be challenging at first, but you’ll quickly learn the right foods to eat during this time. And you’ll be amazed at how much food you should actually eat! The program also uses carb cycling, which means some days will be low carb days and others will be regular days. And remember, while research suggests that intermittent fasting eating schedule may work well for many people, it must be tweaked for certain people due to medications, pregnancy or other conditions.  Another reason why having a personal coach is so important.  

Read more about the 28 Reasons Why I Love the Faster Way.

Net carbs are emphasized throughout the program, ensuring you’re eating the right foods at the right time, especially on low carb days. This program isn’t like others where you’ll be depriving yourself of the foods you love the most. Rather, it is about making lifestyle changes consistently for six weeks that will benefit you in the long term.  And this 6-week program is the jumpstart to a lifetime of healthy habits! 

The Faster Way to Fat Loss program is more than just a workout plan. It’s a nutrition and exercise program that helps you change your lifestyle, both in and out of the gym. The monthly fee is an investment in your health.  And it will most likely be less expensive than a gym membership or personal trainer.

I’m now at the three year mark with the Faster Way.  I started just after my son was born and it changed my life! I would suggest it to anyone looking for a new year’s resolution to kick off healthier options in their lives. If you’re serious about your health and fitness goals, this is an excellent program to explore!

My honest review of the Faster Way to Fat Loss program: Hard work is key to carrying out any weight loss program, and in the beginning, it may seem overwhelming. But don’t be discouraged, there is an entire community doing the program with you every single day, whether it’s in your app, on FB, or your personal coach, you’re not alone. With the program’s online component, you’ll feel well-supported throughout your journey. Another great feature that I want to highlight is that members have access to the VIP program, where Amanda and her team offer extra coaching and accountability. And now, everything is centralized in the app.  It’s where you track your macros, enter your favorite foods, find your workouts, save your progress photos, track your hydration and fasting status.  It’s your one stop shop for educational and inspirational videos too.  

Through the FWTFL program, I was able to make a lot of changes that stick with me even today.  I’ve lost the baby weight, and have even started to enjoy strength training days.  I’ve never liked working out, but the at-home workouts are so quick and effective, I actually look forward to doing them.  It’s my “me” time.

If you’re considering making a lifestyle change and need additional support, I’d encourage you to check out the Faster Way program. With the right balance of intermittent fasting, carb cycling, low-carb days, whole food nutrition, gym workouts, and different workouts, it’s the perfect solution to achieving your fitness goals! Make the investment to create the best version of yourself!

My next round of the faster way STARTS HERE!!

Check out a sample FASTer Way meal plan.  

About Me

I’m Melanie.

I’m a chef, registered dietitian, foodie, wife and mom.
If you’re looking for quick and healthy meal inspiration that serves YOU and your family well, then you’ve come to the right place!

Melanie Marcus Selfie